Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Talk it Out Tuesday: I Love Blogging

I know many of the Talk it Out Tuesdays are of the serious variety. I also know many of the topics have revolved around some of the more challenging aspects of blogging. I realized I never really talked about the love I have for blogging and being a nail blogger. Below is a just a list of things I love about this whole blogger thing. This is no particular order.

1. I get to share all my nail polish pretties with people who appreciate it just as much as I do. The people I'm around in my daily life are not nail polish junkies. They couldn't tell a red coral from a pink coral or a navy blue from a blurple.  I find it so fun to be able to share my nail polishes with people who know what I'm talking about, and why nail polish is so awesome!

2. I find blogging helps give me an identity. My life isn't all about being a blogger, I do have other goals for myself. That being said, blogging is something I am passionate about and gives me purpose in  my life. I do not make a dime from blogging, but in ways I see it as somewhat of a career. In April, Imperfectly Painted will be 3 years old. This is more than just a side hobby, it's a big part of who I am.

3. The connections I've made through blogging have been amazing. I think on just a blogging level, the connections I've made have helped really establish myself. The Beauty Bloggers of Central Florida has not only created friendships for me, but has helped me realize the value of bloggers. Bloggers are really the voice of all the consumers out there. I've learned that many cosmetic companies and brands appreciate the role of a blogger. It feels good to know that what I have to say is valued.

4. Respect. This is huge for me. I get emails every so often from readers telling me how much they appreciate my honesty and authenticity as not only a blogger, but as a person. These are the types of compliments that validate everything I'm doing as a blogger. The fact that you all put your trust in feels good! Thank you!

5. The other type of connections. I must say even more meaningful than blogger to blogger connections or blogger to company connections are the connections I've made with my readers. I have shared many personal challenges and insecurities with you all, and this opened doors for many of us to be able to connect on an emotional level. I've found I really have a bond with you all which means a lot to me.

I know there are more, but these are the major things for me!

If you're a blogger, why do you love blogging?
If you're not a blogger, what do you love about nail blogs and bloggers? 

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Nicole by OPI One Big Happy Fame-ily

-rant- Let me start off with this. I seriously cannot stand the Kardashians, well more so I can't stand Kim. It seriously hurts my brain to think about her. I do not care about her relationships. I do not care about her pregnancy. I think she consumes too much space in our universe that should be used for more intellectual, serious, or meaningful things. If you are someone who idolizes Kim Kardashian, you and I probably wouldn't be friends. The conflicting thing about this Kardashian thing, is NOPI came out with some great colors with their line. Kardashian or not, I will always love a great polish even if it hurts my ego a bit to have it -rant over-

Nicole by OPI One Big Happy Fame-ily

One Big Happy Fame-ily is a soft lavender with a silver/lavender shimmer.

This polish is gorgeous. Lilacs/Lavender shades are some of my absolute favorite colors come this time of year and heading into spring. The best part about this one is the shimmer. This is not a typical finish I've seen in many polishes in this color family. The color is soft, airy, and feminine. I love it. I'll just ignore the name!

*I received this product to review from the Central Florida Beauty Bloggers via Nicole by OPI.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Share With You Sunday: 12/30/12-1/6/13

Posts I'm Loving:
A Polish Addict shows us her New Year's glitter gradient.
purrrpolish shows us her nail look using Essie Fiji and Barry M Amethyst.
The PolishAholic does some comparisons with the NOPI Modern Family collection.
Wacky Laki shares with us her New Year's nails.
Dressed Up Nails shows us her blue and silver New Year's nails.
Frazzle and Aniploish shares with us some new nail polish displays.

Posts You're Loving:
Fanken Femme shares with us her first franken, Cosmic Checkers.
The Lacquered Lady swatches China Glaze Running in Circles.

You can submit your links for Sunday posts here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Sara
Location: Mesa, AZ
Manicure Description: I wanted bold nails for my Vegas trip so I went with China Glaze Running in Circles then used an eye shadow applicator to sponge on CG Water You Waiting For. It was the perfect amount of sparkle and color.
Favorite Polishes: Zoya Zuza and Charla. DL Mermaids Dream. CG Glistening Snow and Custom Kicks. Blog: http://mylifeinpolish.blogspot.com/

Name: Cora
Location: Columbus Ohio
Manicure Description: These are my "Fuzzy-Flocked-Fingers" in hot pink. I use a base of Zoya; Ali, and while the polish is still tacky I sprinkle on a generous amount of loose flocking. You can find the flocking in a variety of colors in the scrapbooking isle of any craft store. The trick is to press the flocking lightly into the nail, to give it a good hold. Also, if you clean up the edges of your nails with polish remover, you MUST do that before adding the flocking, or else the chemicals will discolor it.
Favorite Polishes: OPI; Warm & Fozzie, Orly; Space Cadet, Illamasqua; Faux Pas
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CorasClaws

I need manis  for the rest of January!  You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

I must say I am disappointed. I'm getting less and less link submissions each week. I am also having to beg for reader mani submissions on Facebook each week. I designed these posts for you all. I want to feature you, your nails, and your blogs. These posts are often how my readers and I discover new blogs :)!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, January 4, 2013

China Glaze Sky High Top

In the Summer 2009, China Glaze actually released 2 collections in summer. The first one was Summer Days. This one had the colors of Strawberry Fields, Watermelon Rind, Grape Juice, and etc. They were amazing glass fleck and non traditional summer colors. They also released a collection later called the Kicks collection that had a bunch of summer bright shades. The Kicks collection was completely overshadowed by the Summer Days collection. I think rightfully so, Summer Days was far more interesting and unique as a summer collection.

That being said, three and half years later I've found myself seeking out some of those Kicks collection colors. Why? I've seen a few of them that are part of the China Glaze core line at Ulta. My eyes have always grazed passed the few that are there, and I made a mental note that I'd like some of them in the future. Many thanks to my friend Mandy of MandysSecrets who gave me Sky High Top one of the colors I had my eye on for the holidays!

Sky High Top

Sky High Top is medium bright blue with a subtle blue shimmer throughout.

This is a gorgeous bright blue polish, and the shimmer is a nice touch. The shimmer isn't in your face, but it's just enough to give the polish that extra special umph. The formula on this was really nice too, and easy to work with. The great thing about this polish is it's easy to find!

Happy Friday!

P.S. Thanks for listening to my polish history lesson.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Urban Outfitters Pink Holo

Today, I have another one of the Urban Outfitters holos to show you. Speaking of Urban Outfitters, I haven't been in a few weeks. I was going maybe every 2-3 weeks before, and every time I went they had something new and totally awesome. I should make a trip sometime soon to see if they have anything new! On to holo magic!

Pink Holo

Pink Holo is a strong linear light pink holo. 

This one is a bit tricky color wise. I find that in some lights it looks pink, and others it looks kind of lilac. Honestly, I couldn't careless what shade of pink or not pink this because this is flipping amazing. The holo effect in this is so strong that it's magical. This just makes me so happy!

I got this at Urban Outfitters for $10.00.

Happy Thursday!