Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Orly La Playa

I have an all-time favorite Orly throwback polish to share with you today. This is was a polish I wore and still wear at least a few times a year. It's perfect for summer even though you may not think so off the bat. I promise this is a summer a color!

La Playa
 La Play is a vibrant navy creme.

Collection: Orly Viva Collection Summer 2010

Color: I know navy in summer may not seem to fit for some people. This color really works though. This isn't a muted or blacked navy you might see in fall or winter. This has some vibrancy and brightness to it that gives it some pop. If you're craving a darker color fit for summer La Playa is your girl for sure.

Formula: Superb formula on this one. This is easy to use and needed 2 coats only. This dries super shiny too.

Price: You can find this on e-tailers in the $5-$8 range.

Overall: This is a tried and true summer favorite for me. I love the saturation of this color and the perfect formula. This pairs nicely with neons for accent nails and nail art. I also recommend using some of the translucent and and metallic flakies on La Playa too. I've worn this so many ways, and I always love it. La Playa is must have in my book!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pure Ice Poppin Bottles

I had an interesting polish find at Walmart from Pure Ice. I really haven't paid any attention to Pure Ice in years. I haven't really found anything unique or worthwhile from them. It's a very affordable brand at $2 a bottle. They're a great value, but when you have a collection of my size it's hard to find something original in the mix. I did spot this one recently and was surprised to see a color like this in their line.

Poppin Bottles over China Glaze DJ Blew My Mind
Poppin Bottles is a silvery-golden glass fleck shimmer with sliver glitters.

Collection: Pure Ice Core

Color: This instantly reminds me of the type of shimmer glitters from the Maybelline Brocades collection, in particular Silver Swank. I love this highly reflective shimmer-glitter combination. It's really beautiful, and not something I think really caught on much in nail polish. That being said, in comparison to the Maybelline it's pretty weak.

Formula: This formula is very sheer and the larger siliver glitters are very sparse. I used 2 coats over a base. I would find this impossible to get an opaque finish unless you did 5+ coats. Poppin Bottles does apply nicely and easily, it's just a top coat. 

Price: I paid $2 for this at Walmart.

Overall: I have to give it to Pure Ice for creating a polish like this. It's unique to a brand of this value. The polish could be better though. It could be more opaque and more glitter could be added. It's a nice polish, but that's about it. It could be better.

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday! 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Color Club Peace, Love, and Polish

Break out the bright colors. As far as I'm concerned it's summer. It's been summer since March here in Florida. We typically can have some pleasantly mild temperatures at least through mid April, but not there year. It was hot starting in March. I won't lie, I despise the Florida heat and humidity. It's the only thing I hate about where I live, and I go out of my way to avoid being outside if possible. It's all about the air conditioning! Weather tends to dictate my color choices for me, so brights it is! This is a recent Color Club neon I picked up.

Peace, Love, and Polish
 Peace, Love, and Polish is a neon warm-toned pink with a golden shimmer.

Collection: Color Club Poptastic Collection Summer 2014

Color: This is what I'm talking about. Neons with shimmer is where it's at for me this year. I love neons, but I want some variation. I've been collection nail polish since 2008. I have plenty of neon cremes, break out the shimma! This is a beautiful warm almost coral toned pink. The shimmer in this is brilliant. It really enhances the look of the color is has the right amount of punch.

Formula: The formula on this was really nice. I did not have any issues with it at all, and it applied easily. I wish I could say the same for other Color Club neon formulas. I used 2 coats above.

Price: I paid $3.50 for this on Head2ToeBeauty.

Overall: This is going to definitely be a summer staple polish for me this year. I think this maybe my next pedicure color. I love the vibrancy of this neon shade and that golden shimmer just makes this polish for me. This is a winning nail polish!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Milani Dress Maker

I have a nail polish to share with you today that was all the rage in summer 2010. This Milani polish was a near dupe to the highly sought after Chanel Jade nail polish that was selling for a couple hundred dollars on eBay. I felt like I won the lottery when I found this color, but now I'm not sure I did.

Dress Maker
Dress Maker is a light jade green with a matching luminous shimmer.

Color: This color is undoubtedly beautiful. In 2015, I can not think of another nail polish that even closely resembles this one. The shade of green is unique and that beautiful lit from within shimmer is original to a color like this. Hands down, Dress Maker is a beauty.

Formula: This is where things go awry. This formula is abysmal. In 2010, I would of considered this formula unfavorable, but not abysmal. It's only because formulations on nail polish have improved so much in 5 years I now say it's pretty terrible. This formula is a thin, liquidy, uneven, patchy, and sheer mess. I needed 4 coats to have this result, and I can still see many uneven and sheer spots. . When I wore this recently it never dried properly. I put it on 4 hours before bed, and woke up the next morning with a completely ruined mani by my sheets. This was 4 hours after I put quick dry top coat on it. This is is probably one of the worst formulas in nail polish I've used in the past 2-3 years. 

Price: You sadly, can no longer find this. It's long discontinued. 

Overall: If it were not for Dress Maker's rarity and beautiful color I would of easily tossed this in the trash. The formula is that bad by today's standards. I can't part with it though. I'm so disappointed with this one. When I rediscovered it I was so excited only be let down immensely. 

My Rating: 1.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Zoya Leslie

I'm finally catching up on spring collections now. I have one of the new Zoya polishes today from the Delight collection. I purchased this one in the Earth Day promo they had last week.

Leslie is pale lavender with a turquoise shimmer.

Collection: Zoya Delight Spring 2015

Color: This is a very pale shade of lavender. This is a beautiful soft shade, and the shimmer added is exactly what I've been craving. I love when brands take expected seasonal shades and jazz them up. This particular shade of lavender starts to go into a bit of funky territory for me personally. This is verging on making my skin look a little pekid. The paler the shade the more this happens. I wish this was just a tinge bit darker, but that's just me!

Formula: Whenever I review polishes that I find to be imperfect I search other reviews to see what other bloggers thought. All the other reviews of this polish I came across loved the formula on Leslie. This makes me nervous because I did not love the formula. I found this formula to be a little thick, runny, and didn't want to level on my nail. This was not the case for other bloggers, so you may not run into any trouble. That being said, the formula was far from bad, but not what I was expecting based on other reviews.

Price: This is $9 on the Zoya website.

Overall: Leslie just isn't all there for me. It's exactly the type of shade I'm drawn to, and the shimmer is something I have been waiting for in spring pastels. I think because I had high expectations for it, I am a bit disappointed. That's not to say you will all be too. Personally, this is just at 80% for me.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!